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Research on the Impact of anthropogenic noise on fish fitness

FishNoise: Image

This project aims to evaluate the impact of a chronic and pervasive source of man-made noise on direct measures of fitness in model fish species

FishNoise: Text


Marine traffic is the most common and chronic source of ocean noise pollution. Recent studies point to detrimental effects on fish but the assessment of impacts on individual fitness and resulting changes at the population level are needed to consider mitigation and management measures


This proposal will evaluate the effect of boat noise on reproductive success, early-life development and survival in two vocal fishes, the meagre (Argyrossomus regius) and the Lusitanian toadfish (Halobatrachus didactylus).


Field and lab experiments using a multimethod approach (passive acoustic recordings, playback experiments, telemetry and evaluation of stress response biomarkers) will yield ecological relevant results necessary to provide guidelines to regulators.

FishNoise: Projects

Key concepts

Noise pollution

Man-made noise can affect animal behaviour and physiology and is now acknowledged as a chronic source of pollution that is changing underwater soundscapes.

Fish sounds

Several species produce sounds in contexts such as courtship, or spawning and may rely on acoustic communication for successful breeding. These sounds can be used to monitor each species.

Soundscape characterization

The combination of natural (biotic and abiotic) and anthropogenic sounds form the soundscape of environment. Through passive acoustic monitoring we can extract information to infer biodiversity and environmental quality.

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Fish use sound to interpret their surroundings, including conspecifics, predator and prey detection, but noise can reduce its hearing ability.

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FishNoise: Projects

Major tasks

Impact on calling behaviour

Impact on communication space

Impact on reproductive success

Impact on early-life development and survival

Stress response

Dissemination of results

FishNoise: Services


Impact of anthropogenic noise on the survival and development of meagre (Argyrosomus regius) early life stages

February, 2023

FishNoise: Publications

Boat noise impacts Lusitanian toadfish breeding males and reproductive outcome

March, 2022

Boat noise impacts early life stages in the Lusitanian toadfish: A field experiment

March, 2022

FishNoise: Publications

Boat noise affects meagre (Argyrosomus regius) hearing and vocal behaviour

November, 2021

Fish sounds and boat noise are prominent soundscape contributors in an urban European estuary

November, 2021

FishNoise: Publications

Boat noise interferes with Lusitanian toadfish acoustic communication

June, 2021

Vocal repertoire and consistency of call features in the meagre Argyrosomous regius (Asso, 1801)

November, 2020

FishNoise: Publications

Predicting the effects of anthropogenic noise on fish reproduction

March, 2020

Sound production in the Meagre, Argyrosomus regius (Asso, 1801): intraspecific variability associated with size, sex and context

February, 2020

FishNoise: Publications

Underwater noise recognition of marine vessels passages: two case studies using hidden Markov models

December, 2020

Seasonal Variation of Captive Meagre Acoustic Signalling: A Manual and Automatic Recognition Approach

April, 2019

FishNoise: Publications



M. Clara P. Amorim

Principal Investigator


Paulo J. Fonseca

Co-Principal Investigator


Ana Faria



Bernardo Quintella



Sara Novais



Manuel Vieira

PhD student


Daniel Alves

PhD student


André Matos

BI - Masters student

rita trabulo.JPG

Rita Trabulo

BI - Masters student


Marta Bolgan

Post-Doctoral Fellow


Thibaut Marin-Cudraz

Post-Doctoral Fellow

FishNoise: Our Team

O FishNoise (projeto PTDC/BIA-BMA/29662/2017) foi financiado pela FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia através de fundos nacionais, e co-financiado pelo Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI) e pelo Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER) através do Programa Operacional Regional de Lisboa (POR).

FishNoise: Text
FishNoise: Past Events
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