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Welcome to the Fish Bioacoustics Lab

Overview of Our Research

Unlocking the Mysteries of Acoustic Communication

Our lab uses mostly fish models such as sand gobies (Pomatoschistus spp.), Lusitanian toadfish (Halobatrachus didactylus) and African cichlids (Oreochromis mossambicus, Metriaclima spp.) to address exciting questions related to acoustic communication using behavioural, physiological and ecological approaches. Recently we became interested in the impact of anthropogenic noise on marine soundscapes and on fish behaviour, physiology and fitness in general. Our work combines both lab and field experiments and benefits from both national and international collaboration.

Hot topics in our lab

Underwater sound

Sound is transmitted faster and at greater distances in water than in air, being used by most marine species.

Animal sounds

Several species produce sounds in contexts such as courtship, or competition and may rely on acoustic communication for successful breeding.


We use passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) to characterize and monitor the acoustic environment.


We study hormonal modulation of acoustic behaviour, mechanisms of sound production, hearing, effects of background sounds in hearing, including conspecific signals and anthropogenic noise.


We study of the role of acoustic communication in mediating social interactions, including fish male-male assessment, female mate choice and reproductive success.


We use recording and analysis of sounds produced by animals, playback experiments, and electrophysiological and electromyograms techniques.


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